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【靜香舍】香港製 手工線香 琥珀廣藿香





靜香舍 stay in touch lifestyle 琥珀廣藿香香氣沉穩的木質香,它的木質香氣能讓您感到平靜、鎮定和集中。 使用方法: 先將線香的頂端點燃,然後將火苗撥熄,此時一縷縷白煙會緩緩上升,釋放出香氣。 注意事項: – 使用時確保空氣流通 – 孕婦及餵哺母乳時請勿使用 – 有呼吸病患人士(如哮喘、鼻敏感等) 必需自行衡量使用風險 – 不要讓小童使用 – 請在香座上燃燒 *圖片僅供參考,香筒顏色隨機* Amber and patchouli incense sticks have a calm woody fragrance. The woody fragrance can help you feel calm, composed, and focused. Ensure air circulation when using – Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not use it – People with respiratory illness (such as asthma, nasal sensitivity, etc.) must assess the risks of use – Keep out of reach of children – Please burn on an incense holder How to use: Light the top of the incense stick first, then extinguish the flame. At this time, wisps of white smoke will slowly rise, releasing the fragrance. *The picture is for reference only, and the color of the incense holder is random.*
