Silver會員享全單2%折扣! Gold會員享全單5%折扣! (特價貨品除外)

Gold 5% off Make any purchase Silver 2% off Make any purchase

However, please note that this offer cannot be used in conjunction with discounted items. Discount will be calculated at checkout after member logged in, valid through 2040-02-28.

凡購物滿 USD 150 可享全單豁免運費


All customers with Spending of USD 150.00 or above, can enjoy shipping discounts for Specific delivery method(s). Discount amount will be calculated at checkout, valid through 31/12/2047.

Applicable delivery methods

International Delivery - 香港直送 - SHIPPING FEE (運費) Free for spending USD150 per order USD5 for spending USD100 to USD149 USD10 for spending USD70 to USD99 USD20 for spending below USD70 DELIVERY TIME (送貨時間) Our order will be sent by FEDEX from Hong Kong in 7 - 30 working days upon order placement. It depends on the stock availability. If the ordered items are out of stock at the time of ordering, it will take 2 to 4 weeks for ordering from suppliers/manufacturers. For some special order on demand (預購產品), it may take 6 to 8 weeks depends on each individual product. Please pay attention to the delivery date marked on each item. SHIPPING METHOD (送貨方式) Each order will be provided with a Fedex Tracking number which can track your parcel on Fedex’s official website CUSTOM CLEARANCE DELAY (清關延誤) In some cases, the destination customs may introduce delivery delays that are out of our control. You will be able to track your order on Fedex’s official website

【Kose 高絲 】Urumina 防脫妝防曬隔離乳 #膚色 35g

USD 23.00USD 18.00



Kose 高絲 《 保濕潤色亮肌防曬乳液 》新色登場 日本超人氣,榮獲Cosme好評大賞,被稱為「朝早用的乳液」 營造透明水光肌~ 主打自然遮蓋毛孔、解決暗沈 適合所有皮膚類型 乾性皮膚,油性皮膚,混合性皮膚 不含礦物油,不含對羥基苯甲酸酯 不致粉刺。 美容液、防曬、飾底乳、3效合一! 蘊含高達80%精華美容液成份, 並加入大量光擴散珍珠白,充分滋潤肌膚, 質地超水潤輕盈! 化妝水後可以直接搽上,省卻乳液步驟~ 一抹保濕服貼,零負擔感! 上臉成膜快,防曬值非常足夠日常使用~ 即使戴口罩都唔會覺得厚重悶熱, 亦唔會粘口罩!有微潤色效果~ 同時提亮膚色,更可以修飾暗沉與瑕疵喔! 杏粉色:柔焦毛孔、均勻膚色, 修飾暗沉,打造自然光澤肌~ 清新的花香 產地: 日本 使用方法 ・做好日常護理後,取適量 Ulmina Plus(約1~2顆珍珠粒)於掌心,均勻塗抹於全臉。 ・卸妝時,將洗面奶充分起泡並徹底清洗即可。 注意事項: 1.使用後如果出現任何異常症狀或副作用,例如紅斑,腫脹或瘙癢,請諮詢專家意見。 2.請勿在受傷的地方使用。 3.儲存和處理注意事項 A)放在兒童接觸不到的地方 B)遠離陽光直射 不同膚質及皮膚狀況或會對產品有不同反應。請查閱產品列出的產品成分,避開或會引致過敏反應的元素。除非是與產品品質有關,否則我們不能為個別不滿意或過敏的客人負責及賠償。 圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。 註:由於商品包裝時常限量/限期改版,若照片來不及更換,請以實際收到的商品為實

Payment, delivery and return


Delivery Methods

  • International Delivery

Payment Methods

  • Credit Card
  • Credit Card or PayPal Wallet

Return & Refund Policy

RETURN POLICY 1) Items sold are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. 2) We don't accept returns or refunds for unwanted items without a justified reason. REFUND POLICY 1) Items sold are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. 2) However, we may offer Store Credit, Partial Refund or Full Refund depending on how the following conditions occur : Should the merchandise be found defective or non-functional ; Should the merchandise be found out of stock. 3) Exchange of merchandise (in the original packaging) may be arranged provided that you contact our Customer Service within 7 days upon receipt of merchandise. The parcel’s arrival date provided by Fedex will serve as a proof of date of receipt of merchandise. 4) Any product that has been exchanged cannot be refunded unless there is product quality problem. 5) If you want to apply for a refund on a defected item, you may contact us by Whatsapp at +852 6699 1649 6) When you apply a refund, please provide below information for our reference. Order number Photo of merchandise which you want to refund. The photo must be able to represent the reason for refund. 7) If a refund is justified, Cyber 365 will fully refund or partially refund according to your original payment method. 8) With regard to refund of purchases involving any coupons, the refund amount will be deducted by the coupon amount. Coupons will not be re-issued. 9) Cyber 365 reserves the right to amend terms & conditions and of final decision on all matters of disputes. WHEN MERCHANDISE IS OUT OF STOCK 1) If a product runs out of stock, Cyber 365 reserves the right to offer a substitution or refund to the customer without notice. 2) If a product runs out of stock, Cyber 365 may provide customers with a substitute product of similar value and style. Cyber 365 shall notify customers of unavailable products and their substitutes by phone or email. 3) Customers have the right to reject any substitutes offered. Cyber 365 will refund the amount that customers have been charged for that product. 4) If customers have agreed that substitutions are allowed, the final value of the customers’ order may be affected by substituting similar products. The prices charged are those applicable on the day of order confirmation. 5) All orders are subject to confirmation of final availability and Cyber 365 reserves the right to decline any order at our sole discretion.

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