Silver會員享全單2%折扣! Gold會員享全單5%折扣! (特價貨品除外)

Gold 95折 不设最低消费 Silver 98折 不设最低消费

请注意,此优惠不能与折扣商品同时使用。会员必须登入,实际折扣金额于结帐时自动扣除,有效期至 2040-02-28。

凡購物滿 USD 150 可享全單豁免運費


顾客凡购物满USD 150.00即享运费减免优惠(适用于 特定的送货方式 )。金额会于结帐时自动扣除,有效期至 31/12/2047。


国际送货 - 香港直送 - SHIPPING FEE (運費) Free for spending USD150 per order USD5 for spending USD100 to USD149 USD10 for spending USD70 to USD99 USD20 for spending below USD70 DELIVERY TIME (送貨時間) Our order will be sent by FEDEX from Hong Kong in 7 - 30 working days upon order placement. It depends on the stock availability. If the ordered items are out of stock at the time of ordering, it will take 2 to 4 weeks for ordering from suppliers/manufacturers. For some special order on demand (預購產品), it may take 6 to 8 weeks depends on each individual product. Please pay attention to the delivery date marked on each item. SHIPPING METHOD (送貨方式) Each order will be provided with a Fedex Tracking number which can track your parcel on Fedex’s official website CUSTOM CLEARANCE DELAY (清關延誤) In some cases, the destination customs may introduce delivery delays that are out of our control. You will be able to track your order on Fedex’s official website